Live muziek in Café Loft – Miguel Sucasas & Albert Casan

Miguel Sucasas is a talented young saxophonist, composer and music educator, born in Galicia, Spain. He has presented his musical projects throughout Europe at prestigious music festivals.

He started playing music at the age of six. In 2010, following her passion for jazz music, she moved to Portugal to study. In 2014 she obtained a diploma in Jazz Saxophone from the Lisbon Music School (ESML). He moved to the Netherlands that same year to take lessons from American saxophonist John Rocco and Dutch/Finnish trumpeter Jarmo Hoogendijk. In 2016 she obtained her Master's degree at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague.

Albert Casán is a talented professional jazz guitarist born in the city of Barcelona (Spain). He has demonstrated his talent at numerous festivals throughout Europe demonstrating the various styles he masters.

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